or on your instruments đŸ™‚ …. And so I did while I was restoring this overlaquered Kentucky A-Style Mando. The headstock inlay suddenly vanished (oops…) when I was removing the thick and badly chipped laquer (because it was only the cheap foil kind of inlay…). I decided to turn it into our very own brand.
And here it is – The Hot Hand all made by myself out of Mother of Pearl and inlayed into the Rosewood headstock. It´s the first time I did something like this and it´s not perfect, but we love it.
Head- and soundboard are frensh polished with shellac now (after applying some nice vintage red on the top), the neck is refretted properly and some great new tuning machines are installed.
And what can I say – it not only looks very beautiful – much more important: Played it sings like an angel!!!